1st Quote Insurance Review - Car, Home, Bike

Monday 2 September 2013

Getting a quote is the first thing that comes to mind when searching for a new policy. Regardless on the type of insurance you need, 1st Quote Insurance can gives you the coverage you need at the lowest possible price. They have been in the market for over 30 years, meaning they understand the unique needs of each customer. Reading through their about us page on their website, they are said to be innovative and uses the latest approach of technology.

Curious enough, I started to look through their website. First of all, it was hard to know what type of policies were offered because once I clicked on each of their links to different insurance types, I was taken to a page that gave me the chance to get a quote. There were no obvious links to show me the features of the policy or what the claim limits I can make are.

Here are the five different categories of insurance that are available:

  • Car Insurance: Their auto insurance seems to be the most dominant product. Several important features are included such as theft, fire as well as damages caused in an accident. You will be able to rest assure that the legal requirement to have a third party insurance is satisfied under this plan.
  • Bike Insurance: Riding a bike can also be risky like driving a car. With this policy, you will be entitled to make claims if you bike ever gets damaged or is stolen. The quote for this policy is generally cheaper than their car insurance.
  • Van Insurance: Sometimes driving a van is more reliable than driving a car due to the nature of the job the person may have. Give yourself a peace of mind with this cover by joining 1st Quote.
  • Home Insurance: This is another one of the main products offered. You can now keep your home and content safe from natural disasters, liability and even damages done inside the house.
  • Pet Insurance: At the time of writing this review, 1st Quote didn’t offered any pet insurance however it was written that it will be coming soon. Considering having gone through their other products, I guess that coverage will include medical bills relating to cats and dogs.

Feel free to check out their website on your own and see if you can really save some money. Their website is easily designed and should be accessible from most computers and devices. You are given the ability to get a new quote as well as retrieve an existing one.

1st Quote Insurance has been rated 4 out of 5 by Insurance Reviews.


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