4 Young Drivers Insurance Review - Car

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Are you a young driver? If so, 4 Young Drivers Insurance is for you! They cater for all types of motorists in your age group, ranging from students, first time drivers and teenagers. According to their website, they also specialise insurance for conflicted drivers and young drivers of sport cars as well. With over 35 years of experience, you will know that you will get the best service in the industry.

The list of different policies was quite interesting. Here is a short overview of a selected few:

Fully Compressive: The Uttermost Protection

This is the cover with the widest range of protection, including your own car, someone else’s car, theft, fire as well as protected No Claims. One thing that I realised is that to be eligible for protected No Claim you must have over four years of NCB. If you want to ensure that you get a peace of mind on the road, especially if you are a new driver, this is the policy that will serve you well.

Third Party: Liabilities Caused By You

Getting insurance should still be a priority even if the one you are taking out is the lowest level. The reason why a Third Party policy is so important is due to the fact that if you accidentally injure someone or damage their property, you will be able to get protection. In a lot of cases, it is young drivers that cause the most damage so taking out insurance to cover your liability is very recommendable.

Third Party Fire and Theft

This is the cover one level up from the previous one, and includes the additional fire and theft cover. According to 4 Young Drivers’ website, this plan is one of the most popular ones. It is great for insuring cars that are not worth that much, which in most cases are the typically first cars that young drivers purchase, and has a high chance of burning out and attracting robbery because it does not have a security system.

Several other plans are also available to be seen on their website that are made for specific people, such as learners, students and convicted drivers.

If 4 Young Driver Insurance sounds like something you may be interested in, feel free to visit their website. One thing I realised is that this company actually has branches to several other insurance types such as van insurance and home insurance. The links to these insurance were clickable on the top of every page of their website.

4 Young Insurance has been rated 3.5 out of 5 by Insurance Reviews.


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